This website works as a user interface (UI) to interact with the Beacon v2 API running on this node. (Access the API here!).

However, the UI features are quite limited in comparison with all the possibilities offered by the API. This page teaches users the basics of querying the API and offers a few examples of queries that might be useful for a begginer.

For more detailed information about the API, please refer to the Beacon v2 documentation.

API endpoints

The main API endpoints are the following:

Endpoint Description
/api root of the API
/api/info get general Beacon information (typically metadata about the Beacon itself and who maintains it)
/api/datasets get information about the existing datasets, which contain an unique identifier for each dataset and tipically carry information about the data present as a whole
/api/cohorts get information about the existing cohorts, which contain statistics about the individuals present in the respective dataset
/api/individuals query individuals, which represent people
/api/biosamples query biosamples, which represent biological samples taken from an individual
/api/runs query runs, which contain information about the DNA sequencing process of a biosample
/api/analyses query analyses, which contain information about the variant calling, anotation and other processes on a run

Each of these endpoints that represent a Beacon v2 Model have extra endpoints to relate them with other models:

Endpoint Description Example Result of example
/api/{endpoint}/{id} Get a specific entry from that endpoint with that id /api/individuals/CR562 Record about individual CR562
/api/{endpoint}/{id}/{other_endpoint} Get the entries from {other_endpoint} that is related to the entry from {endpoint} with the specified id /api/individuals/CR562/biosamples All the biosamples taken from individual CR562